Have you ever wondered how best to get kids engaged in a book you're studying in class? Activities!!! Students generally enjoy walking around, talking, moving parts of their body, anything at all but sit and read long, long passages....
Have you ever thought of how you can make learning different from the usual? What are you currently teaching, how can you collaborate with teachers across other classes to make learning more meaningful and practical for your students? Teaching...
Click To Download A Teacher's Guide on Second-Class Citizen by Buchi Emecheta.
The novel, Second-Class Citizen by Buchi Emechata tells the story of a young, determined woman, Adah Ofili whose ambition to live a better life than her parents did...
I love making posts like this because I've learned teaching is nothing if you have no relationship with your students.
So two days ago, a boy in my English class told me he likes this new girl, but he didn't...
As teachers of language and literature, we've all had those frustrating moments grading our students' creative writing pieces and swallowing huge chunks of patience so you don't squeeze all the damn scripts and toss them into the bin. Yes,...